wuxi xinzhou consultants agency is mainly specialized in researching senior technicians, managers and high qualified talents for its valued clients. xinzhou is a subordinate of wuxi talent service center, which is the largest talent service provider in wuxi with governmental background. based on the huge database and support of wuxi talent service center, xinzhou has already insured many successful placements for companies of different strengths, such as bosch, hynix, jabil, timken, sony, panasonic, nefab, faurecia, atlas copco, rietschle thomas, quincy, nidec, alfa laval, cooper standard, suntech-power, etc, xinzhou has got satisfactory feedbacks from its clients and senior candidates and so as to gain a very high reputation in wuxi and areas nearby<br>presently, xinzhou is a member of yangtse delta executive search unit and has close relationship with shanghai director & manager resources co., shanghai bwhr co, ningbo talents center, etc.<br>xinzhou has the professional team of outstanding and senior searching consultants as well as the unique path of searching information, providing high quality service for the clients and senior talents.<br>xinzhou is the right choice for the both local and multinational companies looking for senior executives. <br><br>新洲猎头是无锡市人才市场下属机构。早在1998年就开始在无锡及周边地区开展猎头服务,发展迅速。新洲猎头致力于为无锡新区欧美企业以及健康、强势发展的民营企业搜猎部门经理及以上的职位。作为无锡市政府所属的高级人才搜寻机构,成立至今,依靠其卓越的业绩、优秀的口碑,已广泛获得了企业客户及高级人才的认可和好评。博世汽车、海力士半导体、捷普科技、铁姆肯中国、耐帆包装、佛吉亚座椅、阿特拉斯科普柯、里其乐托马斯、昆泰克气动、日本电产、三键化工、藤昌科技、库博汽车、阿法拉伐、尚德太阳能等几十家世界著名企业已成为我们的长期客户。<br>目前,我们已经加入长三角高级人才协作组织,并与上海厂长经理人才公司、杭州人才开发中心、上海智生道人才咨询有限公司、宁波经营者人才中心、素康步人才咨询有限公司等十余家高级人才服务机构建立了紧密的合作关系,有广泛的资源网络。<br>公司拥有一支高素质的专业人才顾问团队,在人才咨询领域多年的从业经验及丰富的人才积累,为企业客户及高级人才提供最为优质的咨询服务。